Oct 2, 2014 | IAW Performances
What’s missing from a nice ballroom filled with well-dressed Royal Bank of Canada employees? If you didn’t shout “The bboys!” I wouldn’t blame you, but that’s how it went down. In fact, before the breakers breaked some of the...Sep 27, 2014 | IAW Performances
We had a great day in Toronto at Canada’s Walk of Fame (website / FB) during their festival. The weather was cool but otherwise great, the people were great, and here’s some footage from the day! Nickolaas...Feb 21, 2014 | Breakdance Events, Videos
This past weekend there was a different kind of aptitude test on campus; The Breaking Clubs Aptitude Test (BCAT) at Hamilton’s McMaster University. Members of Ill at Will joined forces with Ju Rock of Ground Illusionz and Derrick of UWO Breakers to bring home a...Jan 31, 2014 | Breakdance Events, Community, Event Recap, IAW Performances, Videos
Better late than never, here’s the Year in Review from the “illains” who can rock the beat forever. There are many successes and good times mentioned below, so right off the bat we want to give a big THANK YOU!! to everyone who supported in-person or...Dec 4, 2013 | Breakdance Events, Community, Event Recap, Videos
This past weekend London, Ontario enjoyed back to back dance events on Friday and Saturday November 29 and 30. Here’s a quick look at how it went down! First up, we’ve got a short (15 second) clip of our very own b-boy Kayo back peddling his way into a...