Jan 31, 2014 | Breakdance Events, Community, Event Recap, IAW Performances, Videos
Better late than never, here’s the Year in Review from the “illains” who can rock the beat forever. There are many successes and good times mentioned below, so right off the bat we want to give a big THANK YOU!! to everyone who supported in-person or...Nov 29, 2013 | Community, ThrowbackThursday
Despite the title I’m not talking about Drake; I’m talking about our crewmate Nasty Nick! Recently Nick, who was born in Holland, received the good news that he can legally work in Canada and will become a permanent resident in December. But first,...Jan 20, 2013 | IAW Performances, Videos
On Friday, Jan 18 a few thousand lucky London Knights fans got to see ILL AT WILL: ON ICE! Thanks to ScionTown we got the chance to showcase awesome cars and awesome dancing before the London Knights vs Windsor Spitfires hockey game. Budweiser Gardens was sold out for...Jun 19, 2012 | Training & Knowledge, Videos
With summer set to begin, here’s a quick look at what’s new & exciting with Ill at Will! London’s own Mind Your Mind (MYM) organization recently released a video interview with JFX, Kayo, Loebz, and Nasty Nick. The boys talk about expression and...