Nov 19, 2011 | Free Music
The last few days I’ve been enjoying a party mix from DJ Simple (Buffalo, NY). There’s a few parts I especially like, including the juggling of the first song “I’m Ill” to shout Simple’s name and a Ludacris track smoothly mixed over...Aug 30, 2011 | Breakdance Events
Open Practice! WHAT: UWO Breakers Official Practice Night! WHERE: The University of Western Ontario. University Community Centre (UCC) in the atrium or on the 3rd floor! WHEN: Official practice are held on Tuesdays at 8pm. They should be running most every Tuesday of...Aug 30, 2011 | Breakdance Events
FREE CLASSES THIS WEEK (August 29 – September 3) at Elan Dance Arts!! Come on out and check out some these dance classes for FREE!! Below is the schedule for members of Ill At Will teaching at EDA this year… Tuesdays 6-7 PM: Boys Hip-Hop (beginner) with...Aug 28, 2011 | Breakdance Events, Videos
[vimeo 17930072 400 255] Manifesto Festival 2010 Recap – Full Length on Vimeo Here is a dope video recap of Toronto’s hip-hop festival called “ManifesTO” which happened summer 2010. It was a week long festival that featured many events, and Ill...Aug 28, 2011 | Free Music
I stumbled across a nice mixtape recently, link below. If you like good ol’ Jimi Hendrix and Wu-Tang Clan then definitely check out this Black Gold mixtape! Most of the tracks are on point, and although there are a couple misses there are also a few bangers....